
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Don't get mad... Get Fidler

I have bad news. If the election were today, Barack Obama would lose the election. In the last few weeks, every single one of the key battleground states have switched to John McCain’s side including Florida, Indiana, Virginia, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, and the Dakotas now all have McCain with leads from two points to six. John McCain would end up with 271 electoral votes to 264 for Obama. There are two big reasons for this. One, John McCain has been absolutely ruthless in his negative ads. Unfortunately, negative ads work. Ask John Kerry. Two, the Russian/Georgia Conflict has made national security once again the most important issue to the general public. Obama does better when the economy is the primary issue. I would look for Fox News and the Republican media machine to once again begin fear politics with the Evil Russian Bear. The more the country is afraid, the more they will rally around a strong military leader – like John McCain. Interestingly enough, McCain had a rather weak military history. As General Wesley Clark said, “Being a prisoner of war does not necessarily qualify you to be President.” McCain also received near record demerits while at the Naval Academy and he barely graduated finishing in the bottom five out of a class of almost 900. However, perception is often times reality and in this world conflict with Georgia and Russia, America has really rallied around John McCain. Also, Obama struggled big time at the Saddlebrook debate this past Saturday. Obama is in big trouble ladies and gentlemen. Unfortunately, all of the momentum is with the Arizona Senator. John McCain’s negative ads have convinced literally millions of Americans that Obama is just a smooth talking celebrity whose lack of political and world experience would leave the country less safe. Obama needs big help and he needs big help soon.
1. The Minnesota State Fair starts soon. Guess who is going tomorrow? ME! Then it is off to Iowa for some business for a couple of days.

2. The college football season starts a week from tomorrow. I can’t wait.

3. My birthday is coming up. I’m ready.


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