stoning? 2007?
It is stories like this that really make me think hard about exactly what America's future should be in the country of Iraq. A 17 year old girl was stoned to death for the audacity of falling in love with a man and converting to his religion. Can you believe it? Stoned to death in 2007. Again, what do we do in Iraq? I honestly don't know. We can either A, leave now and let the country be ravished by crooks, thieves, and probably go back to a dictatorship similar to the one under Saddam Hussein. Or we stay for an unknown amount of time, spend trillions of dollars, see scores more of our bravest men and women come back in body bags, and completely tarnish our reputation. Is there an option C? Let's say Kerry would have won and let's say he completely removes our troops. Can you imagine what a victory that would be for terrorism world wide. We can't afford but on the other hand, what is it going to take for us to win (if we even can). I am really stuck.
I take issue with a lot of your political statements because you use the language of the administration and the mainstream media. I question things like the phrase "a victory for terrorism worldwide." Terrorism isn't its own agenda, for one thing. Something the "War on Terror" has done has been to attempt to paint terrorism as its own end and every "terrorist" as in cahoots with every other "terrorist" to spread "terrorism." Terrorism is a violent political act that has myriad different motivations, and until we address the motivation of each terroristic political group individually, we will never "win" this so-called war. I guess my point is, in my opinion, if you're going to accept the parameters set by the administration, you're not going to get very far in solving any of these problems, because they've misrepresented the issues. It goes further and is deeper and more complicated than the war hawks want us to think.
option C would be to nuke it 3, 4 maybe even 5 times...then export the white trash of the US to live there (as a tax break) and mass reproduce with the people still alive while keeping some sort of "order"..?
Anay, wouldn't that make it worse over there? Personally, I don't think the white trash of America is the solution to anything.
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