
Saturday, August 23, 2008

I don't get it

Joe Biden as Obama's VP?

I just don't get it. He's not from a battleground state. He's from the North. He is not particularly popular. I just don't get it. What voters does Biden draw in? To be honest, I hate the pick. Let's not forget several months earlier Biden said of Obama, "The Presidency does not call for on the job training". And then later while trying to awkwardly compliment him after he dropped out he said Obama was "clean and articulate". Huh? Pundits normally say that choosing your running mate is the first major decision a future president could make. My initial assessment... D+. I am incredibly disappointed with Barack Obama. Very very disappointed. I guess Joe Biden has a strong foreign relations background. But guess what? If foreign relations was a voter's primary concern he would go with McCain.

I guess I will have to trust Senator Obama's judgment. What else am I supposed to do?


At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He must know something we don't...

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Emilia said...

John McCain was talking about the country of Czechoslovakia a few weeks ago like it still exists. Why would someone concerned with foreign relations go with McCain?

At 10:38 AM, Blogger cyclonejohn said...

Emilia I would agree with you but the recent polls suggest we are in the minority. When asked, "Who has a better handle on foreign relations, John McCain or Barack Obama?" McCain has a 2 - 1 majority. This is a huge problem for Obama.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger cyclonejohn said...

Emilia I would agree with you but the recent polls suggest we are in the minority. When asked, "Who has a better handle on foreign relations, John McCain or Barack Obama?" McCain has a 2 - 1 majority. This is a huge problem for Obama.


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