
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

America the dumberest

I was glancing through today's USA Today when I noticed that ACT company released their state-by-state ACT scores for 2007. I was pretty amazed at how low the scores are as a country. Let me first say that I do not think that ACT scores or grades for that matter are an accurate reflection of intelligence; rather they are simply an indicator of future collegiate success. An example would be the most intelligent man I know scored a low-20's ACT score despite displaying absolute brilliance everywhere else. His simple reason is he has a learning disability which make standarized tests difficult for him. However, the majority of 16 and 17 year olds cannot hide under a learning disability blanket. The national ACT score for America in 2007 was 21.2. That is utterly amazing. Here are some notable scores:

1. Washington 23.1
2. Massachusetts 23.5
3. Connecticut 23.2
4. New Hampshire 22.
5. New York 22.8

8. Minnesota 22.5

30. Illinois 20.5

47. Alabama 20.3
48. Florida 19.9
49. South Carolina 19.6
50. Mississippi 18.9
51. Wash. D.C. 18.7

I find it very interesting that the top scores come from New England the bottom come from predominately southern states. In addition, the only students that would bother to take the ACT are students who are at least moderatly interested in college. Imagine what the scores would be if all 16 and 17 year olds had to take it. Bottom line, American secondary education programs need a lot of work. Thank good for the No Child Left Behind Act.


At 1:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

i know that ALLLLL students in ILL are REQUIRED to take it....they take it during state testing

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Emilia said...

Point of Contention? 23.5 is higher than 23.1, meaning Massachusetts, my new home state, should in fact be number 1. Perhaps USA Today also would not have passed the ACTs?

At 4:10 PM, Blogger cyclonejohn said...

To Emilia,

That was my error. Washington scored a 23.7 not a 23.1. Also, Minnesota will always be your home state.


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