
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sturgeon? I don't think so pal.

An interesting article was forwarded to me this morning from the magazine, American Psychologist. In the article, it says 17% of Americans are "flourishers". These people are the happy, upbeat, positive friends and family members. On the other hand, 10% of Americans are "languishers". These people are depressed, pessimistic, and don't feel good about themselves. The rest of us fall in between. I think I fall in the middle. I would love to say that I am part of the flourisher group, and maybe it is just simply circumstances right now that are keeping me as part of the happiness bourgeois. I am in general though optimistic that my best days are ahead of me. The good Lord has blessed me in too many ways to count and despite looking out the window and seeing an angry sleet storm, everything is going to be just fine.

1. Speaking of good news, Newsweek came in the mail and they had a really great article about Compton, California. From its Leave it to Beaver routes in the 1950s (the first President Bush and Barbara Bush lived in Compton) to its downfall. A couple of things happened. The Bloods and Crips formed in the early 1970s. Crack became a major force of destruction in the 1980s and 1990s. This city of 100,000 became the murder capital of the world hitting its peak in 1991 with 87 out of 1000 deaths were gun homicides. However, this article was not about Compton's bloodthirsty past. A major police presence, community activism, extremely harsh prison sentences for possession of crack, Proposition 184 or the three strike law (which means if you are convicted of three serious felonies you are normally looking a life in prison), California's ban on semi-automatic weapons, and other factors have led to Compton, although it still has twice the national average of homicides of cities 100,000 or bigger, is now a place where people can go out to walk their dogs, have a BBQ, and go outside at night. Hopefully, other city representatives are going to to learn from Compton's mistakes and from Compton's success.

2. Congratulations to hopeful Cyclone, Harrison Barnes, from Ames, IA. Today he won the Gatorade Iowa athlete of the year. He is only the second junior to ever win the award.

3. I have a nice, wooden TV stand that I simply don't need. I know I could sell it on Craigslist but if anyone would like it, let me know. It's hardly used, and quite nice.

4. One benefit of being laid off is watching deleted Borat scenes:

5. This is by far my new favorite commercial of all time. This is definitely real:

6. Currently listening to Angels and Airwaves, "Call to Arms". Album: I-Empire


At 1:59 PM, Blogger The Rhythm of One said...

you mean "roots", not routes.

What does said TV stand look like? I know you can upload a picture on blogger. I also know Jackie's house has a horrible TV stand.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger cyclonejohn said...

If you remember my old apartment, it is that TV stand. It is currently being kept in my storage unit. If Jackie wants it... it's hers.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

GREAT commercial


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