
Monday, March 05, 2007

The most dangerous woman in America

Yesterday, Ann Coulter, reminded me why she is number one most dangerous woman in the world. Coulter, educated at Cornell and University of Michigan, has published five best selling books and is a nationally syndicated columnist in numerous newspapers. She is the most dangerous woman because of how many people listen to anything this crazy, cartoonish, bitch has to say/write. Last night, Ann Coulter, insulting homosexuals everywhere said that John Edwards was a huge faggot. When asked today for an apology, she replied, "I apologize to gays for saying Edwards was one of you." I hate Ann Coulter. I hate how Fox News interviews her like she's a journalist several times a week. (See prior blogs for my views on Fox News). Here are some of my favorite Ann Coulter quotes:

"I know Bill Clinton masturbates into sinks."
"I think women should be allowed to be armed but not allowed to vote."
"I think there should be a poll tax to vote."
"As Christians, we should declare war on the Middle East and all Muslim countries because we know God needs to punish those rag heads."
"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he didn't bomb the New York Times building too."
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. "

Shall I continue or does everyone get my gist? I am all for free speech and she has a right to shoot her mouth off whenever she feels like but what bothers me, what makes her so dangerous is how much ink is wasted on her. It bothers me how many minutes Fox News allows her to spit this filth at America and brainwash people. Fuck Coulter.


At 3:05 PM, Blogger The Rhythm of One said...

wow! I don't like Coulter, but I didn't know she was that bad!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Emilia said...

I agree, but for the sake of argument (because I am antagonistic), do you think that by granting her as much attention as you do in this post, you're doing the same thing? Isn't it all about spectacle and getting people riled up? Isn't she, as you say, just a cartoon? And by taking seriously that anyone takes her seriously are you not adding fuel to the fire?

At 1:13 PM, Blogger cyclonejohn said...

Of course, but I am less mad at Ms. Coulter then I am at the newspaper publications and Fox News who continually gives her attention. She has a right to any opinion she wants, but it is irresponsible to give her a voice to spit those opinions at us.


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