
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Because the world is round it turns me on

I hope everybody had a great weekend. If I were to sum up my weekend in one word I would say it would be -- fun. I went dancing, tried out a new bar, saw some movies, took a few naps, and all in all it was a very relaxing, but fun weekend. My parents are currently in Las Vegas so I have enjoyed the place to myself. Unfortunately, I leave for five days in North Dakota tomorrow. At least the weather is supposed to be better.

1. I saw two movies this weekend. The first movie I saw is called The Brave One. It stars Jodie Foster as a quasi-vigilante. I really enjoyed this movie and I would probably give it a B+/A-. I was entertained and left very satisfied. Unfortunately, I was very dissapointed by 3:10 to Yuma. Maybe because many of my friends built it up, or maybe because it had so many big stars, I'm not quite sure. The movie dragged on forever, was totally unbelievable, and ridiculously violent. I'm a guy. I love a good fight scene just like any other dude. However, I can only take so many gun shots to the face before I get bored. A note to directors. Violence in movies doesn't shock me anymore. In fact, I think if movies have to be overly violent, it has to make up for something else... Perhaps good writing?

2. As most of you know, I am utterly bored with any music made after 2004 (with many notable exceptions) and I have been listening to quite a bit of classical music. While watching Bad Santa this morning as I was napping, I noticed the beginning had this gorgeous music in the background. After some searching, I discovered it is Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 by Chopin. Please discover it for yourself and tell me if you disagree on its beauty:

3. What a surprise! I am upset with something that Emperor George W. Bush has done. The cover of today's Star Tribune says, "President vetoes bill limiting CIA tactics". Without you reading the whole article, basically the first paragraph sums it up. Bush said Saturday that he has vetoed legislation meant to ban the CIA from using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics because it "would take away one ofthe most valuable tools on the war on terror."

Harsh Tactics = Torture

Without getting into a morality debate, the merits of the effectiveness of torture, or what the bible would feel, to be honest, I am most concerned about what effect this will have on our courageous men and women currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. If, heaven forbid, they get captured, what is to stop them from using similar "harsh tactics" on us? Nothing. The world views us as the police officers of the world. It is a fine line between being a good samaritan officer and a pig with a badge. I see once again we have crossed that line. I never imagined that one day we would have a president who would endorse torture.

4. My credit card bill I just paid was for $778.58!!!! After this weekend, I am scaling back on the going out to eat and going to the bars while my card simmers down. I paid it in full but I am looking for people who are interested more along the lines of renting a movie and eating at Taco Bell for a few weeks.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger The Rhythm of One said...

I like it. very pretty.


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