
Friday, October 23, 2009

Looking over my shoulder

As much as I might complain about President Obama not getting his agenda done as quickly as I would like, it could be worse in 2009... you could be a Republican. I was watching CNN this morning and I heard some pretty alarming stats for the GOP. According to their polling, only 20% of Americans identify themselves as Republicans. That is the lowest it has been in decades. About double that amount identify themselves as Democrats; the rest are independent. Again, according to CNN, only 36% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Republicans, and 54% disapprove of Republicans in Congress. Democrats have a 53/41% approval/disapproval rating. I wrote briefly earlier this week how Republicans voted against the Franken anti-rape amendment, solely for political reasons. The problem in the GOP is that they care less about the United States making progress, and more about winning political battles. I am not the only one to think this. Prominent Republicans feel this way also. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said, "I sense that our party is kind of in a nostalgic mode where we look back to the good old days. However good they were, and there were some good days, is completely irrelevant in 2009... We just can't be the party of no. Republicans need to offer, based on their own principles, solutions to these problems." In addition, Republican senator Chuck Hagel said, "As some Republican senators have said publicly -- that if we kill Obama on this, and we destroy this, and we defeat his, that will drive a stake through his political heart on this administration. I just find that about as irresponsible of a thing as I can think of."

1. Anay, Anay's roommate, and I watched a movie called Away We Go this afternoon. I enjoyed it. I give it a A-/B+. It's a dramedy about the struggle a couple (John Krasinski of The Office, and Maya Rudolph of SNL) who is expecting baby has, and their interactions with their friends and family. Jim Gaffigan has a small cameo and is absolutely hysterical.

2. Cool Halloween costume:

3. Governor Schwarzanegger has cleared the way for a 75,000 seat football stadium in LA. He is allowing the stadium to not have to follow the state's tough environmental laws - therefore quickening the time it would take to a get a new stadium. The new potential owner, Ed Roskie Jr, has said he is talking to seven teams (including Minnesota) about moving to California. The good news is that it looks like he is targeting the St. Louis Rams and San Diego Chargers first.


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