
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Malice in Wonderland

Yesterday I got an email from one of my friends who likes politics with highlights from the recent Esquire magazine interview with former attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez. Of all the failings, and shadiness, perhaps nothing is more duplicitous than the illegal firings of U.S. attorneys who were liberal; or who were not "loyal" enough to the Republican party. Here is my favorite quote from Gonzalez: "We should have abandoned the idea of removing the U.S. attorneys once the Democrats took the senate. Because at that point we could not really count on Republicans to cut off investigations or help us at all with investigations. We didn't see that at the Department of Justice. Nor did the White House see that. Karl didn't see that. If we could do something over again, that would be it."

To me, he is basically just saying he regrets being caught. Not only were these firings illegal, but it should have resulted in multiple impeachments. Instead, the only person who served any time in jail was former Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, Scooter Libby. Even now, the whole thing just makes me livid that the Bush administration got away with it. On the one hand, I can understand why President Obama did not push for criminal charges. The Republicans lost, it was time for a new change in America. On the other hand, they let the bad guys get away with it

1. Speaking of politics, when I was watching CNN, they asked if anybody has a chance to beat Obama in 2012. Although I feel that Huckabee could, the panel thinks it will be an unknown that will rise to fame and challenge Obama. In a way, following Obama's path to the presidency. One name that came up was moderate Republican senator from South Dakota, John Thune. He is eloquent, handsome, from the North, and could be a real asset to the future of the GOP.

2. Is it Festivus season already?


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