
Monday, March 15, 2010

Eye of the Tiger

I was a little blown away when I read the latest Newsweek. Although I highly doubt you would see me chained to a forest in front of a bulldozer to protect a rare spotted owl, I am an animal lover. I was amazed when I read about the waning tiger population in Asia. In 1990, there were 100,000 tigers in the wild. Today there are only 3000. In other words, the population has dropped 97% in twenty years! The reasons have all been explained many times - too much poaching, loss of habitat, pollution, et cetera. The fact that greed and ignorance have caused so much destruction to this beautiful animal is absolutely disgusting.

1. It was a good weekend. The highlight was experiencing St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. Regrettably I slept in and missed the river getting dyed. I still enjoyed the people watching. Basically, people arrive to the city early in the morning and just continue to drink throughout the whole day. I walked around Wrigleyville at 5:45 at night and every single bar had a line.

2. Nimit and I watched the movie Precious last night. Wow! What an incredibly emotionally charged movie. I give it an A. I thought it was harsh, real, and beautifully written. The movie is very sad but is definitely worth renting.

3. I see that the guy who videotaped Erin Andrews received 30 months in jail. Is that a fair sentence? I guess. What is most disturbing is that I guess he videotaped 16 other female sports reporters/"tv personalities". On the one hand, how should he be punished? He doesn't deserve life in prison but he deserves more than just leaving jail after a year with good behavior. If I were a judge, I would do something like 30 months in jail plus 1000 hours of community service at some place like a women's shelter. He obviously has no respect for women. Maybe "volunteering" at a shelter would help.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous tieds said...

Since Tiger had so many mates it's hard to believe the population has dropped....oh, you were talking about tiger the animal, not Tiger Woods.

1. I hope you attended church today and prayed to St. Patrick.

2. I've been thinking about seeing this movie, now that you have said it's great I will be seeing it soon.

3. He should have sold the video and paid off the judge so he could go do more good service to us who like to see nude celebrities. I would hope he could find Jennifer Alba or Beyonce.

You, on the other hand, would be looking for Rosie O'Donnell or Nancy Pelosi.

At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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[url=][img]  [/img][/url]



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