
Friday, January 22, 2010

Patriots for Liberty

I am about to go into full political meltdown mode. It is only January and I already feel like am going to spontaneously combust. Yesterday the Supreme Court overturned a previous ruling and as of today, corporations, both domestic and international will be able to spend an unlimited money on individual candidates and issues in general. This will no doubt cause several enormously significant changes in the American political system. You know all those annoying political ads we are only starting to see? Just wait and see what happens now that corporations, both American and international, start sending their ads out. Let's say I am a senator and I vote against a law because it is bad for the environment. Maybe a particular logging, or oil company, or nuclear waste company will throw a few million to my opponent. Or they will just make the ads themselves. Plus, are we really comfortable knowing that international companies can make differences in American elections? Let's take those foreign oil businesses... I wonder what side of the aisle they will be campaigning for. They will be sneaky and use names like, "Sponsored by Patriots for Liberty" or some crap like that. Representative Alan Grayson (D) of Florida said this is the worst supreme court ruling since Dred Scott - a pro slavery ruling in the mid 19th century.

1. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next last night. I saw it ten years ago. For those who have not seen the movie, it is awesome! I don't know if it will be as good as the new Tooth Fairy movie, but it is still worth renting.

2. Currently listening to "Something's Not Right With Me" by Cold War Kids


At 11:05 PM, Anonymous cooltieds said...

Hopefully Glock, Baretta, Smith & Wesson, and other gun companies will donate to get our second amendment rights to keep and bear arms back in all states. Then I can walk around with my AK-47, and Colt .45 sidearm and feel completely safe.


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