Rated R
Today's blog will be about the ridiculousness that is the movie rating system. (G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17). My first question is should the libertarian in me ponders whether we should even have a system. Obviously to have a successfull libertarian society would require strong parental units and accountability from the community. Since we live in America, I will erase that question and then question who the morons are that actually rate the movies. Why are movies like Knocked Up and Hostel II not rated NC-17? Knocked Up shows birthing scenes with the head actually crowning from the mother. It showed non-stop marijuana usage, lots of swearing, a dozen or more nude scenes, et cetera. Should we have a right to see this movie? Of course, assuming we are all adults. If it is just Rated-R, then pretty much everyone can watch it. I saw in the row next to me a Dad with his two sons (the oldest being ten) at Knocked Up. Now onto Hostel II. How on earth is this movie not rated NC-17? To give you an idea of what happens in this movie. In one scene a man's genitalia is sawed off and then fed to a dog. In another scene a woman is hacked up and her blood drips down to a waiting woman in a bath below. Once the blood starts pouring on her she starts to have an orgasm. How on earth is this shit only rated R and not NC-17? If we are going to have a rating system, fine, but then let's actually have some standards. Now, if American adults enjoy this type of filth, fine, but let's have it be rated NC-17.