gotta be startin something
About this time five years, Rus and I were completely caught up in the election craze. Completely fed up with the Bush administration and the GOP control in congress, we were doing everything we could to help him avoid re-election. One thing we did was go to an Al Franken stand-up routine that also served as a John Kerry fundraising event. Franken had the crowd laughing in fits and in the end answered questions. The very last question asked/told him that he should run for the senate in four years against Norm Coleman. Franken paused for a while and then said something along the lines of, "We will have to see." I, of course, completely dismissed this. After all, Franken's comedy was much more acerbic and sardonic for D.C. However, he was undoubtedly intelligent and witty. Also, despite being a comedian, author and radio host, he certainly looked the part of a Midwesterner. Thick glasses, messy hair, frumpy sport coat... He was very Minnesotan looking. To my surprise, 18 months ago Franken announced he was indeed officially running for senate. July 1st, almost eight months after the election, Franken was finally officially declared the winner of the race. I will be very anxious to see how he represents Minnesota.
1. I feel I am in the minority when I say that I do not think that Republican South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford should resign. Is having an affair morally wrong? Of course, but it's not illegal. Also, Sanford does appear at least to be very sorry for the pain and embarrassment he has caused. If the people of South Carolina choose not to re-elect him, that is their right. But if every politician resigned after having an affair, we would not have a lot of politicians.
2. Arrested Development: The Documentary?
I think the calls for his resignation stem more from the fact he used state money to fly down to Argentina 5x over the course of his term to see his mistress. And of course lying about.
If you cannot govern your personal life, you certainly cannot govern others. I think it makes a lot of sense to call for his resignation even if he does feel bad about it.
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