
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Why is going to work just like Christmas? You do all the work and the fat man in the suit gets all the credit.

After being cranky after spending $84.00 at the Toyota Dealership yesterday, I just wanted to go home and relax for the evening. I turned on MSNBC and I saw that the headline story was about the cost of obesity. Oh great, as if I don't have enough reasons to be self conscious in this world, now the news is telling me how much being overweight is costing America. However, I was intrigued. After the special, I was shocked at what obesity costs America. Here are some of the numbers:

-If everyone were a healthy weight, Americans would save 5 billion dollars year on fuel costs.
-We would spend 10 billion less on clothes.

There are several other things they mentioned like estimated health care costs, lost productivity, et cetera and the bottom line was that as a country, we would save 487 billion dollars a year if all Americans were a healthy weight. I thought this was really interesting. Just think of the global warming that would be retarded if we saved 5 billion dollars worth on fuel. Amazing.

1. There are two more primaries today -- Indiana and North Carolina. I would guess like most people when I say I am ready for June 3rd to come around when the last primary happens and we can finally decide who the candidate will be. The HUGE question will be, if Hillary does well in the next few primaries, and looking at the schedule, states like Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, et cetera will all be good demographic states, then will we be forced to do a re-vote in Florida and Michigan. And if Hillary does well there, then should she legitimately be the Democratic candidate?

2. I want you read this really interesting story about this boy genius who is graduating college on Saturday at 18 years old. That's not all, he will graduate with twice the amount of necessary credits and he is triple majoring in biophysics, German, and Classical Studies and he will graduate Summa Cum Laude.

3. In a little Will Ferrell news, it looks like they are going to make Anchorman 2. I really liked the original Anchorman so I am excited for this. Obviously if they just announced it, then it won't be until 2010 or 2011 until it comes out, but I'm ready.


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